hello first timers!
Thank you for your interest in our Center, everyone is welcome here! We are a growing spiritual community and would love your help expanding it!
Here is a run down of a typical Sunday service, so you know what to expect;
A typical service starts at 10am and lasts around forty-five minutes to an hour. There is usually a group of 20-30 attendees every week. The Spiritual message is given by our a guest speaker. There is a Guest Book for first timers to sign by the front door of the Sanctuary (Main Building pictured above) as well as a greeter to answer any additional questions you may have. All new visitors may take a Welcome Bag with everything you need to know about CSLMV. Wear whatever makes YOU comfortable and come as you are. Everyone is welcome here!
Sunday Service Program
After Service we serve coffee, light refreshments and goodies. Come early or stay late to enjoy fellowship in our kitchen lounge. The first Sunday of every month is our community potluck. Bring a dish to share or just stay for the food and fun.
We have Ministers and Practitioners (Trained counselors who listen to concerns and offers loving prayers) who are available for Affirmative Prayer Work.
Office Hours: By Appointment 951-679-6622
Address: 26805 Murrieta Rd. Menifee, CA 92585
Here is a run down of a typical Sunday service, so you know what to expect;
A typical service starts at 10am and lasts around forty-five minutes to an hour. There is usually a group of 20-30 attendees every week. The Spiritual message is given by our a guest speaker. There is a Guest Book for first timers to sign by the front door of the Sanctuary (Main Building pictured above) as well as a greeter to answer any additional questions you may have. All new visitors may take a Welcome Bag with everything you need to know about CSLMV. Wear whatever makes YOU comfortable and come as you are. Everyone is welcome here!
Sunday Service Program
- Entrance Music
- Greeting & Welcome
- Announcements
- Invocation
- SOM Reading
- Spiritual Message (20-35min)
- Prayer
- Love Offering/ Congregational song "I Am So Blessed"
- Closing Song "Peace Song"
- Benediction
After Service we serve coffee, light refreshments and goodies. Come early or stay late to enjoy fellowship in our kitchen lounge. The first Sunday of every month is our community potluck. Bring a dish to share or just stay for the food and fun.
We have Ministers and Practitioners (Trained counselors who listen to concerns and offers loving prayers) who are available for Affirmative Prayer Work.
Office Hours: By Appointment 951-679-6622
Address: 26805 Murrieta Rd. Menifee, CA 92585
Each of the following resources provides a good introduction to the Science of Mind philosophy:
Science of Mind Magazine
Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes
The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Each of the following resources provides a good introduction to the Science of Mind philosophy:
Science of Mind Magazine
Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes
The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes